Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thankful to Be a Whole Better Me

Now that I've come out of the food coma that Thanksgiving so often puts me in, I've become quite reflective and still quite thankful. One hundred and fifty years ago Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday in November as a day of thanks and, in spite of their best efforts, retailers have not yet stripped the day of the value it holds for us. Free from the controversy of Christmas (religion, gift-mongering, etc), the materialistic connotations of Valentine's Day (expensive gifts and dinners), and the downright danger of Independence Day (heavy drinking + explosives), Thanksgiving remains relatively true to its original intent. A day of thanks to be spent surrounded by the people – and possibly things – for which you're most thankful.

Maybe I'm getting old or maybe it's hormones, but I find myself more sentimental than ever and Thanksgiving is as sentimental a time as any. This year Rick and I celebrated a milestone by hosting Thanksgiving for the first time in our new home. You see, once cooking an entire dinner for ten became too much for my grandmother and my parents moved out of state Thanksgiving turned into a haphazard holiday. Sometimes I spent it at my parents without Rick because he works on Friday can't travel out of state or with Rick and his family in Chicago but without any of my extended family. This year was the first time that we were all able to spend it together. And it was glorious (queue the choir!).

The day after Thanksgiving we also hosted the second annual 'Friendsgiving'. All of our friends gather – in pajamas no less – to gorge on (and hopefully deplete) leftovers while simply enjoying each other's company. You would think we'd all be too tired to get together the day after Thanksgiving, but it's a tradition that we plan to keep going as long as we can.

After two days surrounded by friends and family I realized what I am truly thankful for, though I was unable to declare it aloud. As cheesy as it sounds I am most thankful for Rick. Rick brings out the best in me. He is my other half in so many ways. He's calm when I'm stressed, he's stressed when I'm calm. He's talkative when I'm distracted and playful when I'm crabby. We fit each other like puzzle pieces. He also has brought so much to my life. His love, his family, his friends they're all a part of me now that I wouldn't trade for the world.

While a life partner may not be able to bring an ecosystem of friends and family to you, they should be able pinch-hit where you fall short and you should do the same. You can be whole on your own...never forget that! But a true love will make you an even better whole.

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