Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Infant Divorce

I have recently been made aware of a new phenomenon.  Well, maybe it's not new, but as with most of people when something is new to me it must be new because I alone am the center of the universe.  But I digress. This phenomenon is one in which people that I consider part of my generation marrying and divorcing at surprisingly young ages and in shocking numbers.  As a newlywed wading through difficulties far beyond what most couples deal with in their first year of marriage, I've become intrigued with the reasons why people too old to be in puppy love, yet too young to be so set in their ways that they aren't pliable to the compromises that marriage requires can't make it for the long haul. It's for this reason that I am embarking on a series of articles dedicated to the trials and tribulation of young, failed marriages mostly to help my understanding of why two people who go through the trouble of solidifying their union can't make it last and to help other young couples recognize the signs of trouble.

My hypotheses is that most young couples (1) are more fearful of splitting before they've tried marriage than divorcing shortly thereafter, (2) are still too young-minded to recognize and deal with relationship issues before going through with a marriage, and (3) don't have the full commitment to their marriage to work things out.

But I can't do this alone, so I'm asking young divorcees who are comfortable sharing parts of their story to help me prove or disprove my hypotheses.  If you were:

1. Married between the ages of 21 and 30 on or after January 2007, and
2. Divorced within 3 years of marrying

Please reach out to me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/enthusedfoodie or on Twitter @enthusedbeauty.