Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Language Thing Again...

I have to take a Spanish class. It's getting really out of hand now. I am taking a lot of it in and even repeating most of what I hear, but how are my kids going to know Spanish if I can't even get the basics across to them. I just read an article about new study findings that say infants start to lose their natural ability to be bilingual by as early as 12 months. And that much of this ability (to learn multiple languages easily) detereorates after age seven and even more after puberty. Now if that isn't motivation to learn I don't know what is. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not pregnant or anything, though every time I go to the doctor everyone assumes that I am. I just want to be able to - in an educated way - teach my kids two languages. It's something I think everyone should do whether or not it's 'necessary'. Check out this'll be with me on this I swear -

And kids are can make them hate the things that you hate. Don't like Spanish, teach 'em French. Can't stand Frenchies, then how about German. There are so many languages out there. Just pick one and go crazy. And don't forget the swears. You think kids unknowingly cursing in English is cute, try Japanese. It's hilarious.

And hey Obama says we should do it. Disagree with me now.

Friday, July 10, 2009

A cause, FINALLY!

So it's been a while since my last post. That's a lazy go-getter for ya. But really, I've been traveling a lot. It was on these travels that a Navy recruiter struck up a conversation with me. After realizing that I was spoken for the conversation diverted from "tell me about yourself" to "tell me about everything else" and we got to talking about the future of Black children in America. Without realizing the words that were coming out of my mouth I began raving about how teaching African-American history in schools alongside the history taught currently would do great things for Black youth. I got on my soapbox about how it would show Black youth that as a race we are capable of more than hitting a golf ball, shooting a basket, or performing on a stage; even as important as some of those things may be/have been for our culture.

African-American history would give Black youth something to strive for, show them that this didn't start with Obama, but in fact it started a long time ago so that Obama could be where he is today. Moreover, learning about the amazing things that Black people have dedicated themselves to and achieved would show our children that they have bigger shoes to fill. Bigger than fighting over drug turf or using violence to prove to someone that you're to be respected, bigger than all the nonsense that is leading our children down the wrong paths.

Just then it occurred to me, this is something that I really feel strongly about. Not only that but it's something I actually know how to act on. It's the school system! I can write my State Rep, I can lobby in Springfield, I can use connections Rick's sisters have (almost all work in the school system) to spread the word to people that can help. In other words, I can do this. I can bring African-American culture - which I sometimes feel entirely without - to the people that need it most: the Black youth of America. Have I finally found a focused purpose? Have I finally found a cause? Do I finally feel like I have a culture to uphold? Will you come with me?

So what did Rick say to me when I brought this up to him? "What about Hispanics? You guys get a whole month!" What about Hispanics?!?! Hello, Rick, I'm Black and I'm one person. I can only take up so many causes. And yes he was deadpan serious about the "whole month" thing. Wow, we really have a road to travel together now don't we.