Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It Becomes an Event

I find myself encouraging Rick to get involved in Hispanic events in and around Chicago. I've taken him to plays that I couldn't understand half of, but that reminded him of his childhood. I just like being there. I like knowing that I brought a part of him back to him even if I had no idea what was going on. I don't give myself enough credit though. I a good reader of people and things. Even if I don't understand the words coming out of the actors or musicians mouths I can decipher what they're trying to tell me and what I should be feeling. If I should be laughing, looking at them thoughtfully or with disgust.

This weekend there's an event that I'll put Rick on to. The Hola Mexico Film Festival ( I hope he'll want to go because as much as I love it as a culture I can't imagine how I'd look going on my own. I can only hope that my light skin and jet black hair would convince some onlookers that I have some sort of Hispanic blood in me. I bank on that more than you'd think.

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